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Text File | 1993-06-23 | 17.9 KB | 404 lines | [TEXT/McSk] |
- page 0 28 +md ! ( kill echo )
- \ A simple RPN floating point calculator.
- \ includes cut, copy, paste and undo!
- \ press tab to return to Pocket Forth.
- forget task : task ; decimal
- \ rect stuff
- : RECT ( compile: -- ) \ define named storage for rect structure
- ( run: -- addr ) variable 6 allot ;
- : !RECT ( t l b r addr -- ) \ set rect data
- >r swap r 4 + 2! swap r> 2! ;
- : RERASE ( rect -- ) a>r ,$ A8A3 ( _EraseRect ) ;
- : RFRAME ( rect -- ) a>r ,$ A8A1 ( _FrameRect ) ;
- : RCLIP ( rect -- ) a>r ,$ A87B ( _ClipRect ) ;
- \ window stuff
- : WINDOW ( -- d ) 0 +md 2@ ; \ d = window pointer
- : WSIZE ( h v -- ) \ change the window size
- 2dup 8 +md 2! \ set the scroll rect
- window 2>r 2>r 256 >r ,$ A91D ( _SizeWindow )
- 4 +md rclip ; \ set drawing rect to whole window
- : WTITLE ( string.addr -- ) \ set the window title
- window 2>r a>r ,$ A91A ( _SetWTitle ) ;
- \ font stuff
- : !FONT ( n -- ) >r ,$ A887 ( _TextFont ) ; macro \ set font
- : !FSIZE ( n -- ) >r ,$ A88A ( _TextSize ) ; macro \ set size
- : !FACE ( face -- ) >r ,$ A888 ( _TextFace ) ; macro \ set style
- : !FMODE ( mode -- ) >r ,$ A889 ( _TextMode ) ; macro \ set mode
- : SYSFONT ( -- ) 0 !font 12 !fsize ; \ set System font
- : MONACO9 ( -- ) 4 !font 09 !fsize 0 !fmode ; \ set Normal font
- \ old style (ie easy) color stuff
- : BLACK 33 0 2>r ,$ A862 ( _ForeColor ) ; \ black
- : RED 205 0 2>r ,$ A862 ( _ForeColor ) ; \ red
- : BLUE 409 0 2>r ,$ A862 ( _ForeColor ) ; \ blue
- \ string stuff
- : ?DEFINING ( -- flag ) cstate c@ ; \ true if defining
- : ASCII ( -- c ) 32 word here 1+ c@ \ c = ascii of next character
- ?defining IF literal THEN ; IMMEDIATE
- : EVEN ( n -- n' ) dup 2 mod + ; \ round up to even number
- : ," ( -- ) ascii " word \ get a quoted string
- here c@ 1+ even allot ; IMMEDIATE
- \ memory stuff: macros and create/dispose of handles
- : >D0 ( n -- ) ,$ 4280 ,$ 301E ; macro \ clr.l d0 move (a6)+,d0
- : >A0 ( d -- ) ,$ 205E ; macro \ movea.l (a6)+,a0
- : >A1 ( d -- ) ,$ 225E ; macro ( movea.l [a6]+,a0 )
- : D0> ( -- n ) ,$ 3D00 ; macro \ move d0,-(a6)
- : A0> ( -- d ) ,$ 2D08 ; macro \ move.l a0,-(a6)
- : HNEW ( size -- handle ) \ create a new handle
- >d0 ,$ A122 ( _NewHandle ) \ create a block
- a0> d0> IF \ check for error
- beep 2r> 2drop exit THEN ; \ beep & skip enclosing word
- : HDISP ( handle -- ) \ get rid of a handle
- >a0 ,$ A023 ( _DisposHandle ) ;
- : BMOVE ( d.from d.to n -- ) \ move n bytes d.from -> d.to
- >d0 >a1 >a0 ,$ A02E ( _BlockMove ) ;
- \ stack checking
- : NEEDS ( n -- flag ) depth 1- > ; \ true if less than n items on stack
- : ?OVERFLOW ( -- flag ) 1000 needs ; \ true if stack is not overflowing
- \ be sure 1 or 2 fp numbers are on the stack for operations
- : UNARY ( ? -- f ) 5 needs IF 0.0 THEN ; \ operation requires 1 arg.
- : BINARY ( ? -- f1 f2 ) 10 needs IF unary 0.0 fswap THEN ; \ 2 args.
- \ fp comparison
- : FC ( f1 f2 -- tristate.flag ) fcompare >r fdrop fdrop r> ;
- : F0= ( f -- flag ) 0.0 fc 0= ; \ true if f=0
- : F> ( f1 f2 -- flag ) fc 0> ; \ true if f1>f2
- : F< ( f1 f2 -- flag ) fc 0< ; \ true if f1<f2
- \ trancendental functions (not included in Pocket Forth)
- : ACOS ( f -- acos[f] ) \ See Apple Numerics Manual, 2nd ed.
- fdup 1.0 fswap f- fswap 1.0 f+ f/ fsqrt fatn 2.0 f* ;
- : ASIN ( f -- asin[f] ) \ See Apple Numerics Manual, 2nd ed.
- fdup fabs 1.16415321827e-10 fcompare >r fdrop r> 0> IF
- fdup 0.5 fcompare >r fdrop fdrop r> 0> IF
- 1. fswap f- fdup 2. f* fswap fdup f* f- ELSE
- 1. fswap fdup f* f- THEN
- fsqrt f/ fatn ELSE
- fdrop THEN ;
- : PI ( -- f ) 0.0 acos 2.0 f* ; \ 3.14159265358979324
- : D/R ( -- f ) 360. pi 2.0 f* f/ ; \ degrees/radian
- : LOG ( f -- logf ) fln 10. fln f/ ; \ log base 10
- \ : E ( -- f.e 7.0 fdup fln 1.0 fswap f/ f^ ; \ Euler's number
- \ compile time ticking See file "Using Starting Forth".
- : ['] ( -- addr ) \ of the next word in a colon definition
- token latest search IF literal
- ELSE here count type space ." not found." abort
- \ *** Application Specific part follows ***
- \ some rects for drawing
- rect UPPER_RECT 0 0 75 201 upper_rect !rect \ stack area window
- rect MARGIN_RECT 8 7 97 185 margin_rect !rect \ leave a margin
- rect BUFFER_RECT 75 10 95 175 buffer_rect !rect \ input buffer rect
- \ window titles
- create "POCKETFORTH" ," Pocket Forth"
- create "CALCULATOR" ," Calculator"
- \ display the stack
- variable PLACES 9 places ! \ number of decimal places to show
- : SPACES ( n -- ) 0 DO space LOOP ; \ emit n spaces NEVER BE ZERO!
- : BIG_CR ( -- ) @pen swap drop 16 + 1 swap !pen ; \ bigger cr
- : L. ( n -- ) \ n = nth fp number on stack ( auto-formatting display )
- 5 spaces dup 5 * needs 0= IF
- fpick ELSE drop 0.0 THEN \ -- f
- fdup \ If real number, f, is
- fdup fabs 1.e9 f> >r \ bigger than 1 billion
- fdup fabs 1.e-4 f< >r \ or less than .0001
- f0= 0= r> r> or and IF \ but not zero...
- places @ sci ELSE \ do scientific notation
- places @ fix THEN \ do fixed point notation
- f. big_cr ; \ show it, then move down
- : .STACK ( fn..f1 -- fn..f1 ) \ display fstack
- margin_rect rclip \ clip to keep margin clear
- sysfont upper_rect rerase \ chicago 12, erase top of window
- 1 20 !pen \ set starting place
- 4 l. 3 l. 2 l. 1 l. ; \ display 4 lines
- \ display annunciators
- fvariable ATYPE 1. atype f! \ 1=radians d/r=degrees
- : .ANNUNCIATOR \ draw angle type annunciator
- margin_rect rclip \ clip to keep margin clear
- 180 90 !pen monaco9 red \ red pen
- atype f@ 1.0 f- f0= IF \ 1=radians othert = degrees
- ." R" ELSE ." D" THEN black ;
- \ key press handling
- variable KFLAG \ holds the pressed key
- : !KEY ( c -- ) kflag ! ; 0 !key \ set key pressed
- : @KEY ( -- c ) kflag @ ; \ get last key pressed
- : ?NUMERIC ( c -- flag ) \ true if c is numeric (or e or .)
- dup 101 = >r ( e )
- dup 69 = >r ( E )
- dup 46 = >r ( . )
- dup 47 > >r ( 0 ... 9 )
- 58 < r> and r> or r> or r> or ;
- \ buffer key presses
- variable KBUFF 32 allot \ hold multibyte input
- variable ^KBUFF kbuff ^kbuff ! \ place holder for above
- : #CHARS ( -- n ) \ no. of characters in input buffer
- ^kbuff @ kbuff 1+ - ;
- : KEY>BUFFER ( -- ) \ store the key into kbuff
- @key ^kbuff @ c! \ store character
- 1 ^kbuff +! \ increment pointer
- #chars kbuff c! ; \ store length
- \ put fp number on stack
- : FIRST_CHAR ( -- addr ) kbuff 1+ ; \ first char of kbuff
- : INSERT_CHAR ( c -- ) \ insert c at start of kbuff
- first_char kbuff 2+ #chars cmove \ move chars up one
- first_char c! \ store c at beginning
- kbuff c@ 1+ kbuff c! \ incerment count
- 1 ^kbuff +! ; \ increment index
- : ENTER ( -- ) \ convert input buffer to a number
- #chars IF \ if there's any numbers
- kbuff upper \ be sure its E not e
- first_char c@ 69 = IF 49 insert_char THEN \ insert 1 if E
- first_char c@ 46 = IF 48 insert_char THEN \ insert 0 if .
- kbuff >abs fnumber \ convert to number
- first_char ^kbuff ! 0 kbuff ! \ reset buffer
- THEN ;
- \ display the input buffer
- buffer_rect rclip 22 90 !pen \ restrict pen to input area
- buffer_rect rerase \ clear input rect
- kbuff c@ IF sysfont kbuff count type THEN \ type input buffer
- buffer_rect rframe ; \ draw frame
- \ display calculator
- : .CALC ( -- ) .stack .buffer .annunciator ;
- \ undo, cut, copy, paste & clear
- variable UDEPTH
- : UBUFF ( -- addr ) here 300 + ; \ here+300 is used for the undo buffer
- : EMPTY_STACK depth 0 DO drop LOOP ; \ clear stack
- : KEEP ( -- ) \ save the stack in the undo buffer
- depth 5 / udepth !
- udepth @ 0 DO \ put each fp number from stack into undo buffer
- r 1+ fpick ubuff r 10 * + f! LOOP ;
- : RESTORE_STACK ( -- ... ) empty_stack \ restore the stack
- udepth @ IF
- udepth @ 0 DO \ put each item from undo buffer onto stack
- ubuff udepth @ 1- 10 * + r 10 * - f@ LOOP THEN ;
- : UNDO ( -- ... ) restore_stack .calc ;
- 2variable IHANDLE \ temporary handle holder
- : DEREF ( addr -- daddr ) 2@ dl@ ; \ dereference a handle at addr
- : HANDLE>HERE ( n addr -- ) \ move n bytes from handle to here
- deref \ get pointer from handle
- rot dup here ! \ store length
- here 2+ >abs rot bmove \ move to here+2
- here 1+ here here 1+ c@ 1+ cmove ; \ move to here
- : SCRAP>STACK ( -- f ) \ Put ascii scrap onto stack as an fp number.
- 10 hnew ihandle 2! \ create a handle
- 0 0 2>r \ room for result
- ihandle 2@ 2>r \ push handle to rstack
- ,s TEXT 2>r \ scrap type identifier
- here a>r \ offset variable
- ,$ A9FD ( _GetScrap )
- 2r> 0< IF \ high byte indicates an error
- drop \ drop bytes
- ELSE \ no error
- ihandle handle>here \ move string to here
- here >abs fnumber \ convert string to number
- THEN ihandle 2@ hdisp ; \ dispose of the handle
- : PASTE ( -- ) keep scrap>stack .calc ;
- : F>HERE ( f -- f ) \ displaying a fp number leaves a copy at here
- @pen 2>r 1 -20 !pen fdup f. 2r> !pen ; \ copy f to here
- : STACK>SCRAP ( f -- f ) \ copy f to clipboard
- 0 0 2>r ,$ A9FC ( _ZeroScrap )
- f>here here c@ 0 2>r \ push length to rstack
- ,s TEXT 2>r \ scrap type identifier
- here 1+ a>r \ addr of text
- ,$ A9FE \ _PutScrap
- 2r> + IF beep THEN ; \ beep if error
- : COPY enter unary stack>scrap .calc ;
- : CUT keep enter unary stack>scrap fdrop .calc ;
- : CLEAR keep empty_stack .stack ;
- \ draw a tiny help screen (If turnkeying, use an alert.)
- : .HELP ( -- )
- 4 +md rclip page monaco9 8 !fsize blue
- 10 9 !pen ." l loG n nat loG x e^ +"
- 10 17 !pen ." \ abs f fraction i int -"
- 10 25 !pen ." s sin c cos t tan *"
- 10 33 !pen ." S asin C acos T atan /"
- 10 41 !pen ." oPt-P ∏ r radians d deG ^"
- 10 49 !pen ." dn/del droP uP duPlicate"
- 10 57 !pen ." left swaP riGht roll"
- 10 65 !pen ." = chanGe siGn — reciPricol"
- 10 73 !pen ." [ less places ] more places"
- black buffer_rect rframe
- 22 90 !pen sysfont red ." Press a key to go on." ;
- \ define and execute commands via a look up table:
- \ 32 bit enties: key.char(16), rel.addr(16)
- \
- variable #DEFS 0 #defs ! \ number of keys defined
- 400 constant DEF.TABLE.SIZE \ amount of space for key def. table
- variable DEF.TABLE def.table.size allot \ key definition table
- \ find a character in the table, return its index
- : CHAR>INDEX ( c -- n ) \ c = character (key pressed)
- 0 swap #defs @ 0 DO \ for each defined key
- r 4 * def.table + @ \ check the key.char
- over = IF \ if it's a match
- swap drop r 1+ swap LEAVE \ leave index into table on stack
- THEN LOOP drop ; \ n=0 if no match
- \ get the execution address of item n in key definition table
- : INDEXED_ROUTINE ( n -- addr ) \ n = 1 based index into def.table
- 1 - 4 * def.table + 2+ @ ; \ addr = associated execution address
- \ handle command key presses
- : DOCOMMAND ( -- ) \ execute routine associated with char in kflag
- @key char>index ?dup IF indexed_routine execute THEN ;
- \ handle numeric key presses
- : DONUMBER ( -- ) \ if char in kflag is numeric, put it into buffer
- @key ?numeric #chars 19 < and IF key>buffer .buffer THEN ;
- \ handle any character
- : DOKEY ( c -- ) !key donumber docommand ; \ process a character
- \ Fill the table with ascii characters and execution addresses
- \ defining words to create routines for individual command keys
- : :K ( -- addr ) \ start a key definition
- #defs @ 4 * 4 + def.table.size > IF \ check room left in table
- beep ." Out of key space." quit \ warn if table is full
- ELSE here [ ' ] compile ] THEN ; \ otherwise begin compiling
- : ASSIGN_KEY ( addr c -- ) \ assign a char and execution addr
- #defs @ 4 * def.table + \ -- addr of next entry in key def table
- >r r ! r> 2+ ! \ store addr and char in table
- 1 #defs +! ; \ increment table index
- \ key definitions
- \ enter & return
- :K ?overflow IF keep \ protect from overflow
- #chars IF enter \ if inputting, put on stack
- ELSE unary fdup \ otherwise duplicate top o stk
- THEN .calc \ enter & return
- ELSE beep THEN ; dup 3 assign_key 13 assign_key
- \ delete
- :K #chars IF
- kbuff c@ 1- kbuff c! \ if inputting, back up 1 char
- -1 ^kbuff +! .buffer \ otherwise drop from stack
- ELSE keep unary fdrop .stack THEN ; dup 8 assign_key \ del = drop
- ascii D assign_key \ or D
- \ change sign
- :K keep enter unary fdup fdup f+ f- .calc ; ascii = assign_key \ +/- sign
- \ more/less digits
- :K places @ 1- 0 max places ! .stack ; ascii [ assign_key \ less places
- :K places @ 1+ 17 min places ! .stack ; ascii ] assign_key \ more places
- \ stack manipulation
- :K ?overflow IF keep unary fdup .stack THEN ; 30 assign_key \ up = dup
- :K keep unary fdrop .stack ; 31 assign_key \ down = drop
- :K 10 needs 0= IF keep fswap .calc THEN ; 28 assign_key \ left = swap
- :K 10 needs 0= IF
- keep depth 5 / froll .calc THEN ; 29 assign_key \ right = roll
- \ math functions
- :K keep enter binary f+ .calc ; ascii + assign_key \ plus
- :K #chars ^kbuff @ 1- c@ dup >r \ if prev char is e or E
- 101 = r> 69 = or and IF \ then its a negative exponent
- key>buffer .buffer ELSE \ so put it in the buffer
- keep enter binary f- .calc THEN ; ascii - assign_key \ minus
- :K keep enter binary f* .calc ; ascii * assign_key \ times
- :K keep enter binary f/ .calc ; ascii / assign_key \ divide
- :K keep enter binary f^ .calc ; ascii ^ assign_key \ exponent
- :K keep enter unary -1.0 f^ .calc ; ascii _ assign_key \ recipricol
- :K keep enter unary fln .calc ; ascii n assign_key \ nat. log
- :K keep enter unary fexp .calc ; ascii x assign_key \ e^x
- :K keep enter unary fabs .calc ; ascii \ assign_key \ abs. value
- :K keep enter unary fint .calc ; ascii i assign_key \ int. part
- :K keep enter unary fdup fint f- .calc ; ascii f assign_key \ frac.
- :K keep enter unary atype f@ f/ fsin .calc ; ascii s assign_key \ sin
- :K keep enter unary atype f@ f/ fcos .calc ; ascii c assign_key \ cos
- :K keep enter unary atype f@ f/ ftan .calc ; ascii t assign_key \ tan
- :K keep enter unary acos atype f@ f* .calc ; ascii C assign_key \ acos
- :K keep enter unary fatn atype f@ f* .calc ; ascii T assign_key \ atan
- :K keep enter unary asin atype f@ f* .calc ; ascii S assign_key \ asin
- :K ?overflow IF keep pi .stack ELSE beep THEN ; ascii π assign_key \ pi
- :K keep enter unary log .calc ; ascii l assign_key \ log
- \ set degrees or radians for trig functions
- :K 1.0 atype f! .calc ; ascii r assign_key \ radians
- :K d/r atype f! .calc ; ascii d assign_key \ degrees
- \ help: draws a little table of key assignments
- :K ['] .help 14 +md ! \ set update
- .help BEGIN ?terminal UNTIL \ display and wait
- ['] .calc 14 +md ! \ reset update
- black page .calc ; ascii ? assign_key
- \ tab: returns to Pocket Forth, keeps stack and input buffer
- :K 384 178 wsize "pocketforth" wtitle monaco9
- big_cr ." Type ‘CALC {return}’ to return to the calculator." cr
- ['] beep 18 +md @ 2+ @ ! \ reset undo handler
- ['] beep 18 +md @ 2+ @ 4 + ! \ cut handler
- ['] beep 18 +md @ 2+ @ 6 + ! \ copy handler
- ['] beep 18 +md @ 2+ @ 10 + ! \ clear handler
- [ 18 +md @ 2+ @ 8 + @ literal ] 18 +md @ 2+ @ 8 + ! \ paste
- [ 14 +md @ literal ] 14 +md ! \ reset update handler
- [ ' fnumber 34 + @ literal ] ['] fnumber 34 + ! \ reset error
- tib 80 32 fill \ clear input buffer
- tib >abs ,$ 285E ( move.l [a6]+,a4 ) \ setup input buffer
- quit ; 9 assign_key ( tab )
- : CALC ( -- ) \ setup and run this program
- 201 101 wsize "calculator" wtitle \ set window size & title
- page sysfont \ set chicago 12 font
- 300 10 +md ! \ move wrap boundry right
- ['] undo 18 +md @ 2+ @ ! \ set undo handler
- ['] cut 18 +md @ 2+ @ 4 + ! \ set cut handler
- ['] copy 18 +md @ 2+ @ 6 + ! \ set copy handler
- ['] paste 18 +md @ 2+ @ 8 + ! \ set paste handler
- ['] clear 18 +md @ 2+ @ 10 + ! \ set clear handler
- kbuff 32 32 fill \ empty input buffer
- 0 kbuff ! first_char ^kbuff ! \ set input buffer
- ['] .calc 14 +md ! \ set update event
- ['] whazat ['] fnumber 34 + ! \ fnum error
- .calc BEGIN key dokey AGAIN ; \ do it 'til quit
- \ To make a turnkey program of this, be sure to load this file
- \ into a COPY of Pocket Forth. Then define any apple events you
- \ want (see Apple Event examples) and execute the following line:
- \ ' calc 26 +md ! save bye \ set startup
- \ Pocket Forth will quit. When restarted, the calculator program
- \ run automatically.
- \ Use Resedit to change the bundle, icon, and signature resources,
- \ as well as the menus and the about dialog items to create a stand
- \ alone application.
- : .TELL \ interactive printing utility
- page
- ." Type “Calc” to enter the calculator program." cr
- ." Then press “?” for help or ‘tab’ to exit." cr ;
- .tell forget .tell
- -1 28 +md ! ( restore echo )